Welcome to EYFS!

Nursery is taught by Ms Leo, supported by Miss Barton.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Now that the children are settled into their new classes and routines, they will be encouraged to take more responsibility for their learning.
They will do this by selecting resources and working together to keep our learning environment tidy.

We will encourage them to persevere and engage more deeply with their chosen activities. We will talk about how they are feeling and how behaviour affects others.

Understanding the World

As spring arrives we will be noticing changes in our garden and thinking about Spring Festivals in different cultures. We will focus on Chinese New Year and Easter.

We will be exploring the children’s interest in animals and planting seeds and observing mini-beasts in our garden.

ICT will be developed through use of the class computers and other electronic equipment such as iPads, CD players and Bee-Bot programmable robots.

Communication and Language and Literacy

All the children in EYFS are learning age appropriate Phases of the ‘Letters & Sounds’ programme, building listening skills and working on their awareness of the sounds in words.

Nursery will be playing games with rhythm and rhyme. Reception will continue learning new sounds weekly and using them to blend and segment words for reading and writing. In the second half term we will focus on the books of Eric Carle.

Physical development

We will continue to develop fine motor skills through our morning ‘Busy Fingers’ activities. Please continue to support these whenever you can.

Gross motor skills, spatial awareness and sense of self will continue to be developed through the use of large construction equipment and in outdoor play.  Please consider sending in a spare pair of welly boots.


This term we will continue building awareness of number and numerals in the environment and consolidate accurate counting.  We will also be working on simple calculations, often through songs and games.

We will use simple measures as part of our living and growing theme. We will also be thinking about ways to measure time and talk about money.

Expressive Arts & Design

The children will continue exploring rhythm and song using a variety of instruments, indoors and out. They will hear music from a different culture when we celebrate Chinese New Year.

We will support the children to develop role-plays based on real life and help them to bring narratives into their games and small world play.

The children will continue to explore colour and texture in a variety of media such as paint, crayons, dough, textiles and reclaimed materials.

Applications for Nursery and Reception are now open and visits to our school are warmly welcomed.
Please telephone our school office on 0208 428 3447 or email admin@woodhall.herts.sch.uk
to arrange a visit. Woodhall Primary School...Hertfordshire's hidden gem, where community is key.
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