Woodhall Primary Admissions
We have spaces at Woodhall and we warmly welcome visits! If you would like to come and see our lovely little school, please contact the school office on 0208 428 3447 or by emailing admin@woodhall.herts.sch.uk
If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, you can apply for our Nursery class. We are accepting currently accepting applications for September 2025. The closing date for Nursery applications is 25.2.2025. If you would like a Nursery place for your child, please contact the school office on 0208 428 3447 or by emailing admin@woodhall.herts.sch.uk. For Nursery admissions, please apply directly to school by completing and returning our Nursery application form: You can read about our Nursery admissions policy below: Please note that Nursery children do not automatically gain a place in our Reception class; a separate application must be made via Hertfordshire County Council. Applications for our Reception class should be made via Hertfordshire County Council. The closing date for Reception applications is 15.1.2025. During the autumn term prior to the child’s admission date, parents will be sent a copy of the booklet ‘Starting School’. Applications can be submitted online or by returning the application form by post, and allocations are then confirmed during the spring term. Further information on the application process can be found here: https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/actweb/education/admissions/startpage.cfm Whilst the Reception application process must be completed via Hertfordshire County Council, at Woodhall we are happy to support you in any way that we can. For example, we can: An application to move between schools in any other year group is known as an ‘In Year’ application. This is when a child wishes to transfer to another school outside of the usual transfer time, for example because of a change of address. In Year admissions need to be submitted via Hertfordshire County Council. You can find further details and an application form here: https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/school-admissions/in-year-admissions-change-schools-during-the-year/in-year-admissions-change-school-during-the-year.aspxNursery Admissions
Reception Admissions
In Year Admissions
Latest School News
- South Oxhey’s Woodhall Primary School kids are ‘mini police’March 16, 2023 - 11:52 am
- Watford, South Oxhey & Rickmansworth schools celebrate World Book DayMarch 13, 2023 - 9:31 am
- October 2022 Consultations LetterOctober 5, 2022 - 9:38 am
- National Poetry Day CompetitionSeptember 29, 2022 - 1:08 pm
About Us
At Woodhall School we encourage every member of the school to ‘Aim high and Reach for the sky!’. We endeavour to develop skills for life-long learning and provide both creative and meaningful learning opportunities to enable every member of the school community to achieve their potential.
Get in touch
Woodhall Primary School
Woodhall Lane
South Oxhey
WD19 6QX
T: 020 8428 3447
F: 020 8421 4765
Please direct all enquiries in the first instance to:
Fouzia Nemati (School Business Managerr) and/or Nikki Gillibrand (School Office)
Mrs. S. Raithatha