School governing boards have three core functions: Governors are Britain’s biggest volunteer group, with 30 000 in schools across the country. You don’t have to be an educational professional to be a governor, but you do have to be passionate about education and be willing to commit some of your time to work with our school. If you would like to become a governor at Woodhall, you can express your interest by contacting our Headteacher Michelle Lake. Via Visits to Woodhall are warmly welcomed. Any vacancies on the school Governing Body would be shared with parents/carers/staff via our newsletter ‘Woodhall Weekly’ or by school email.Woodhall School Governors
Categories of Governor
Becoming a Governor
Our Governors:
Graham Denman (Chair of Governors)
Category of governor: Community
Appointing body: Appointed by Governors
Term of office: 23.10.22 – 22.10.26
Positions of responsibility: Finance, including Pupil Premium/Sports Premium; Special Educational Needs/Disabilities
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: None
Why did you decide to become a governor at Woodhall School?: I was a local councillor and through that route an opportunity arose to help the school, an opportunity that I have never regretted!!
Naomi Jones
Category of governor: School
Appointing body: Elected by School Staff
Term of office: 8.7.23 – 8.7.27
Positions of responsibility: Health & Safety including building & grounds
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: Teacher at Woodhall School.
Why did you decide to become a governor at Woodhall School?: To provide a link between teaching staff and governors.
Mukund Lad
Category of governor:
Appointing body: Appointed by Governors
Term of office: July 2007 (ongoing)
Positions of responsibility: Clerk to Full Governing Body
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: Clerk
Why did you decide to become a governor at Woodhall School? As the clerk to the governing body, I take the minutes of the meetings and advise governors on matters of law, procedure and their roles and responsibilities.
Michelle Lake
Category of governor: Ex-officio
Appointing body: Full Governing Body
Term of office: Whilst in post as Headteacher
Positions of responsibility: Headteacher
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: None
Why did you decide to become a governor at Woodhall School?: Headteachers are automatically appointed as governors while they are in post.
Graham Mcleod
Category of governor: Co-opted
Appointing body: Appointed by Governors
Term of office: 14 Sep 2021 to 13 Sep 2025, First appointed on 14 Sep 2021
Positions of responsibility: Attendance, Health & Safety including building & grounds
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: None
Danielle Danslow
Category of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Elected by Parents
Term of office: from 15 Oct 2020 to 14 Oct 2024, First appointed on 15 Oct 2020
Positions of responsibility: Finance, including Pupil Premium/Sports Premium; Safeguarding, including Children Looked After
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: None
Tom Faulkner
Category of governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointing body: Governing Body
Term of office: 12.10.23 – 11.10.27
Positions of responsibility:Special Educational Needs/Disabilities
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members:
Why did you decide to be a governor at Woodhall School? I originally intended to be a parent governor as my daughter attends Woodhall and I was keen to be involved with supporting the school and in understanding how systems and procedures work – and also to help make key strategic decisions. However, I was then employed as School Caretaker…so I became a co-opted governor instead!
Nicolle Lally
Category of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Elected by Parents
Positions of responsibility: Special Educational Needs/Disabilities
Relevant business interest/relationships with staff members: None
Governors: Key Roles and Responsibilities
Attendance | Graham McLeod | Half-termly |
Safeguarding inc. CLA | Danielle Danslow | Termly (in addition to Head’s report) |
SEND | Graham Denman/Nicolle Lally | Termly |
Finance, including Pupil Premium/Sports’ Premium | Graham Denman/Danielle Danslow | Termly |
Health & Safety including Building & Grounds | Tom Faulkner/Naomi Jones | Termly |
Full Governing Body MeetingsWoodhall School Governor Attendance