Welcome to Year 1!
Year 1 is taught by Mrs Roby, supported by Mrs Staniford.
Do you know who your teacher will be in September? Click on this link and see what they have to say.
Pupils will practice their strategies for adding and subtraction. They will move on to study and practise shape, pattern and length.
They will use the ‘mastery’ approach until they demonstrate a secure understanding of the mathematical concepts.
This term pupils will learn about the properties and uses of everyday materials such as wood, glass, metal and fabric. Pupils will identify which are natural or manufactured. They will investigate properties by carrying out simple experiments to discover for example, which are waterproof.
Pupils will be looking at stories which reflect their own experiences and use a familiar model to write their own versions. They will also be looking at non – fiction information books about toys.
Pupils will have daily phonics lessons following the national letters and sounds programme.
They will continue with group guided reading every day.
Pupils will develop an understanding of how to collect and organise data .
Through Circle Time pupils will continue to learn and develop skills for working with others.
In RE pupils will research special places such as places of worship and will learn about Easter.
Pupils will be looking at some famous structures such as The Angel of the North and will also learn about sculptors such as Andy Goldsworthy and Dan Cordell.
In DT pupils will look at structures and experiment with different materials for building their own models or houses and bridges.
The Game On coaches will continue to practice games once a week. Pupils will continue to work on strengthening fine motor skills.
Through history, pupils will learn about the changes that have taken place in our homes over the last century.
In geography pupils will focus on the United Kingdoms countries and capitals.
Year 1 Gallery
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