Welcome to Year 5!
Year 5 is taught by Mrs Cooper-Battersby and Mrs Biedul, supported by Mrs Malin and Mrs Pottinger.
Do you know who your teacher will be in September? Click on this link and see what they have to say.
We will continue to use the new maths scheme ‘Maths-No Problem’ where the focus will be on practical activities.
Each area of the maths curriculum will be practised and studied in depth using the ‘mastery’ approach until the children demonstrate they have a secure understanding of the mathematical concepts.
We will be learning all about the properties of materials and reversible changes. We will develop our understanding of solids, liquids and gases, conduct a fair test for hardness, create electrical circuits and test for conductivity.
We will be exploring a range of persuasive texts and using them as a basis for writing our own adverts for Tudor houses. We will also be writing instructions, linked to Tudor games. We will continue to follow our spelling scheme which will focus on learning to spell words with a range of suffixes, e.g. ‘able’ and ‘ible’.
Art/Design and Technology
We will be investigating what Tudor houses looked like and will make our own versions using a range of materials.
In Art, we will be making our own Javanese shadow puppets. We will be working on our cutting skills and our understanding of shape.
Our topics this term are ‘Going for Goals’ and ‘Good to be Me’. Through activities such as drama and circle time, the children will explore their rights and responsibilities.
This term the children will learn about Christianity and Buddhism. We will focus on how faith is expressed through art, drama and song.
We will be learning about the Tudors. We will focus on The Battle of Bosworth and Henry VIII and his wives. We will also learn about the jobs people had in Tudor times.
In Geography, we will be investigating the continent of Asia. We will look at a range of human (man-made) and physical (natural) features. We will use a range of sources and ask geographical questions.
We will be developing our coding skills by writing our own algorithms (instructions) using different programs, e.g. Code for Life and Scratch.
Please make sure P.E. kits are in school every day. Lessons will be on Tuesdays with Miss Jones and with Game On each Thursday.