Entries by Eileen Roby

End of Term Letter 17.7.20

Dear Everyone, Well, we have reached the end of the term-that-never-was; and the end of the academic year 2019-2020. I don’t think that any of us will forget this year in a hurry! Who could have imagined on the first day of the school closure – Mon 23rd March- that we would not fully re-open […]

Letter to Parents

Plan for the spread of coronavirus/possibility of school closure This plan will be reviewed and updated in line with government advice. gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19 We are implementing the following ongoing actions Children given extra time to wash hands thoroughly; our ‘Woodhall Wash’ words by every sink. Tissues and anti-bacterial soap in every room Additional daily cleaning of […]