We have the following clubs on offer for the Spring Term: Y1-3 Street Dance, Football Club for every year group (including Reception), Y5 & Y6 Tag Rugby Club, KS2 Boxing Club, KS2 Badminton Club, Y4-Y6 Netball Club, Y2-Y6 Karate Club. Letters have been sent home for all clubs. If you have any questions, please come in and ask. Soon to come…Taekwon-do Club!
We are very lucky to have the clubs and they are very exciting too.
Which club are you in this half-term, Luke? What is the best thing about your club? Miss Lake.
The new clubs are really good, I am in Tag rugby and Badminton. They are really fun! 🙂 🙂 😉
Tell me about tag rugby, Malik. I don’t know much about it! Miss Lake.