Weekly Attendance

Congratulations to Year 6, who are this week’s winners with a brilliant 97.5%! Well done to Reception, Year 1 and Year 3 who also achieved greens, which means that their class average was above 95%. This is a very short half-term, so we need to make sure that we are in school everyday in order to achieve our very best learning!

At the end of the term, we will have an attendance party for all the children whose attendance has been at least 98%. Last term, we had an ice-cream factory! What are your ideas for this term’s celebration party? Miss Lake.

21 replies
    • Michelle Lake
      Michelle Lake says:

      I don’t think that anybody would say no to a chocolate party, Frankie! Do you have any ideas for what you’d like to do at the party (apart from eating the chocolate, that is!)? Miss Lake.

    • Khushi
      Khushi says:

      Sorry I meant to say that I think that the people who are here every day should have a pizza and chips party, I know that we have had pizza but we haven’t had chips.

    • Michelle Lake
      Michelle Lake says:

      I like your idea, Khushi. How about if we created our own pizzas and cooked homemade chips? Then we could have a pizza and chips picnic! Miss Lake

  1. Anhkhoi
    Anhkhoi says:

    I think Frankie’s idea is amazing but I think a carnival party where everyone gets sweets and gets to get dressed in what ever they want and cotton candy party is all about getting lots of cotton candy. What do you think Miss Lake? : )

    • Michelle Lake
      Michelle Lake says:

      An attendance carnival? What a fantastic idea, Anhkhoi! I think that making cotton candy (candy floss) could be tricky though. Have a chat with Luke (look at his comment above) Miss Lake

    • Michelle Lake
      Michelle Lake says:

      I think that if we decided to make something (see Luke’s idea and Khushi’s comment) then we might need the whole afternoon! Miss Lake

    • Michelle Lake
      Michelle Lake says:

      I really like the idea of creating posters, Luke. Could you and Anhkhoi have a chat and think about combining your ideas? Miss Lake


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