School News
South Oxhey’s Woodhall Primary School kids are ‘mini police’
March 16, 2023/by Eileen RobyWatford, South Oxhey & Rickmansworth schools celebrate World Book Day
March 13, 2023/by Mark PedrasaOctober 2022 Consultations Letter
October 5, 2022/by Mark PedrasaNational Poetry Day Competition
September 29, 2022/by Mark PedrasaThe Woodhall Marathon 2022
September 21, 2022/by Mark Pedrasa15.9.22 Curriculum Workshop
September 12, 2022/by Mark PedrasaJune 2022 Window Into Woodhall
June 28, 2022/by Mark PedrasaTerm Dates 2022-2023
June 8, 2022/by Mark Pedrasa6.6.22 Amazing Attendance Letter
June 8, 2022/by Mark PedrasaMay 2022 Woodhall Jubilee Celebration
May 24, 2022/by Mark PedrasaJubilee Lunch Letter
May 24, 2022/by Mark PedrasaWoodhall Jubilee Bunting
May 24, 2022/by Mark PedrasaJubilee Day Letter
May 3, 2022/by Mark PedrasaWoodhall F.A. Cup Day May 22
May 3, 2022/by Mark PedrasaSchool Newsletter February 2022
February 9, 2022/by Mark PedrasaA Letter from Woodhall’s very own Prime Minister
December 20, 2021/by Mark PedrasaGuidelines Covid 1.12.21
December 2, 2021/by Mark PedrasaWoodhall Assembly Plan Autumn 2021
October 13, 2021/by Mark PedrasaCome and Learn with Year 6
October 13, 2021/by Mark PedrasaNewsletter 9.10.21
October 13, 2021/by Mark PedrasaLisa Sillitoe Session for Y6 Parents on Secondary Transfer
September 9, 2021/by Mark PedrasaRoad Safety Poster Competition June 2021
June 14, 2021/by Mark PedrasaPenny Wars
June 14, 2021/by Mark PedrasaLetter from Hertfordshire County Council May 2021
May 27, 2021/by Mark PedrasaNewsletter 25.5.21
May 26, 2021/by Mark PedrasaFunding Support Letter
May 19, 2021/by Mark PedrasaMr. Motivator Zoom May 2021
May 19, 2021/by Mark PedrasaJim McManus letter to Parents March 2021
March 10, 2021/by Mark PedrasaReturn to School Letter March 2021.pdf
March 5, 2021/by Mark PedrasaAttendance Guidelines for Parents 2021
March 3, 2021/by Mark PedrasaYear 6 update 26.2.21
March 1, 2021/by Mark PedrasaWorld Book Day 2021
March 1, 2021/by Mark PedrasaWhat Parents and Carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during COVID-19
February 24, 2021/by Mark PedrasaNational Puzzle Day 2021
January 29, 2021/by Mark PedrasaUpdate 19.1.21
January 19, 2021/by Mark PedrasaJanuary Writing Competition
January 19, 2021/by Mark PedrasaHCC Letter to Parents 11.1.21
January 12, 2021/by Mark PedrasaLockdown Update 11.1.21
January 11, 2021/by Mark PedrasaHelpful Websites to Support the Home Learning of Children with Special Educational Needs
January 6, 2021/by Mark PedrasaSchool Closure January 2021
January 4, 2021/by Mark PedrasaSchool Closure Critical Workers and Vulnerable Children Letter January 2021
January 4, 2021/by Mark PedrasaEnd of Term Letter December 2020
December 21, 2020/by Mark PedrasaLast Week of Term Update December 2020
December 10, 2020/by Mark PedrasaSee Our Tree Festival
December 7, 2020/by Mark PedrasaChristmas 2020 At Woodhall
We know you’re sick of Lockdown 2, But please don’t have…
November 13, 2020/by Mark PedrasaOdd Socks Day
November 11, 2020/by Mark PedrasaDingle Dangle Scarecrow EYFS Nov 2020
November 9, 2020/by Mark PedrasaSpecial Education Support Details
November 6, 2020/by Mark PedrasaHalloween Dress-up 2020
October 16, 2020/by Mark PedrasaHarvest Festival Poster
October 13, 2020/by Mark PedrasaLetter to Parents and Carers from Jim McManus
September 24, 2020/by Eileen RobyRevised Pick-up System 24.9.20
September 24, 2020/by Eileen RobyReminder Letter 23.9.20
September 23, 2020/by Mark PedrasaCovid Risk Assessment September 2020
September 10, 2020/by Mark PedrasaInformation for Parents and Carers on suspected COVID-19 (coronavirus) in a child
September 8, 2020/by Mark PedrasaContactline
September 8, 2020/by Eileen RobyPE Days Autumn Term 2020
September 8, 2020/by Eileen RobyArrangements for September 2020
August 25, 2020/by Mark PedrasaHelpful Websites August 2020
August 11, 2020/by Mark PedrasaEnd of Term Letter 17.7.20
Dear Everyone,
Well, we have reached the end of the term-that-never-was;…
July 17, 2020/by Eileen RobyWell, we have reached the end of the term-that-never-was;…
Staffing and Collecting Reports June 2020
July 15, 2020/by Eileen RobyRe-Opening in September
July 15, 2020/by Mark PedrasaSchool Reports July 2020
July 15, 2020/by Eileen RobyCorona Virus Update
Dear Parents/Carers,
You will have seen the news that the…
March 17, 2020/by Mark PedrasaYou will have seen the news that the…
Letter to Parents
Plan for the spread of coronavirus/possibility of school closure
March 12, 2020/by Eileen RobyThis…
Monday January 20th
Inset day for teaching staff No children in school today.
January 10, 2020/by Eileen RobyWoodhall School’s Christmas Fair
November 28, 2019/by Mark PedrasaCUP FINAL DAY!
Don't forget that Friday 17th May is our very special Cup Final…
May 16, 2019/by mlake500 Words
Once again, we will be giving children the opportunity to enter…
February 6, 2019/by mlakeOh Snow!
We will be closed today (Friday 1st February) due to the bad…
February 1, 2019/by mlakeSpring Term Dates
Our 'Diary Dates' page has now been updated with events for this…
January 12, 2019/by mlakePink and Purple Crazy Clothes Day!
As many of you know, over the Christmas holidays, one of our…
January 12, 2019/by mlakeHappy New Year!
We hope that you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas break. School…
January 7, 2019/by mlakeChristmas Fair
Thanks to everybody who came along last Saturday to Woodhall's…
December 10, 2018/by mlakeHappy Half Term Holiday!
It's the last day of school today before we have a week off.…
October 26, 2018/by mlakeHarvest Festival 2018
Our Harvest Festival will be taking place on Friday 26th October…
October 12, 2018/by mlake‘Talking Families’ – a brand new course…
We have a brand new, FREE course taking place at Woodhall called…
October 9, 2018/by mlakeSchool Photographs
Our photographer will be coming to school on Monday 15th October.…
October 9, 2018/by mlakeFree School Meals
If you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and have a child…
October 9, 2018/by mlakeApplications for Secondary School Places
Just a reminder to our Year 6 parents: please be aware that the…
October 9, 2018/by mlakeChange of Dates
Please note the following change of date: Nursery and Reception's…
October 1, 2018/by mlakeParents’ Consultation Evenings
Please remember that your parents' evening reply slip (with your…
September 24, 2018/by mlakeThe Jungle V.I.Ps!
Today, children from Reception to Year 6 had great fun watching…
September 20, 2018/by mlakeUkulele Family Jam!
Would you like to learn how to play the ukulele? Come and have…
September 20, 2018/by mlakeWoodhall Boxing Club
Just a reminder that we have a couple of spaces left in our Key…
September 18, 2018/by mlakeExciting Music News!
This morning we had a special visitor in assembly. Beth Mead…
September 18, 2018/by mlakeSponsored Scoot
We have had an AMAZING day today taking part in our sponsored…
September 17, 2018/by mlakeCalling all Gardeners!
Can you spare any time to help with the gardening in our Nursery/Reception…
September 17, 2018/by mlakeClass Assemblies
Please check our 'Diary Dates' page for this term's class assembly…
September 17, 2018/by mlake‘Roald Dahl Day’ 2018
We celebrated 'Roald Dahl Day' in style, with a special assembly…
September 17, 2018/by mlakeGet ready for our SPONSORED SCOOT!
Last term, we all enjoyed our ScootFit session at…
September 11, 2018/by mlake‘Roald Dahl Day’ 2018
We will be celebrating national Roald Dahl day on THURSDAY 13th…
September 5, 2018/by mlakeCurriculum Meetings
Curriculum meetings will be held at 9am and 3.15pm on Monday…
September 5, 2018/by mlakeEaster 2018
April 5, 2018/by Steve TelfordFriday 2nd March 2018
School will be closed today due to the bad weather condition…
March 1, 2018/by mlake1.3.2018 SCHOOL OPEN TODAY
We will send further information via the school texting service.…
March 1, 2018/by mlakeHAPPY NEW YEAR!
Welcome back to school. Breakfast Club and soft start as usual,…
January 4, 2018/by mlakeBACK TO NORMAL HOURS!
School will be open today for our soft start from 8.30am. Breakfast…
December 13, 2017/by mlakeWe are open!
Woodhall will be open today but with a 10am start so that everyone…
December 12, 2017/by mlakeNew school website coming…
We are in the process of building a brand new, very exciting…
December 11, 2017/by mlakeSCHOOL CLOSURE
Woodhall School is closed today (11.12.17) due to adverse weather…
December 11, 2017/by mlakeEASTER EVENTS AT WOODHALL…
Tuesday 28th March at 2pm and 6pm: Year 4 & Year 4 play 'The…
March 21, 2017/by mlakeCutty Sark
Today Year 5 went on a trip to the Cutty Sark. We learnt lots…
March 14, 2017/by year5editorHistory Off The Page
We had so much fun being Victorian servants.
March 6, 2017/by year5editorFriends of Woodhall
Thanks to our Friends of Woodhall, who visited us during an assembly…
March 6, 2017/by mlakeNSPCC Sponsored Event…
Last week, the children took NSPCC sponsorship forms home in…
March 6, 2017/by mlakeThere’s Wally!
Thanks to our brilliant parents/carers who made sure that the…
March 6, 2017/by mlakeWe Are Woodhall
We learned about our rights during We Are Woodhall wee…
February 10, 2017/by year6editorParents’ Consultation Evenings.
These will be held for Year 2-Year 6 on Tues 21st and Weds 22nd…
February 7, 2017/by mlakeFriends of Woodhall
Next meeting is on Thursday 9th February, 2.30pm at school. All…
February 7, 2017/by mlakeGuided Reading in Year 3.
Tell everyone something about a book that you are currently …
February 3, 2017/by year5editorAttendance Winners!
Last week's winning class were Year 1, with a brilliant 97.3%…
January 31, 2017/by mlakeShow Racism the Red Card!
Year 5 and Year 6 have been taking part in a very important…
January 31, 2017/by mlakeBoxing Clever!
I popped into our new Boxing Club this week. There was so…
January 31, 2017/by mlakePROPERTY MARKING
Today (Monday 30th) our local police will be at Woodhall from…
January 30, 2017/by mlakeWeekly Attendance
Congratulations to Year 6, who are this week's winners with…
January 23, 2017/by mlakeFREE Boxing Club!
We still have a few places left in our Boxing Club, which starts…
January 23, 2017/by mlakeTaekwon-do Sessions…
We are hoping to set up a Taekwon-do Club here at Woodhall. Children…
January 23, 2017/by mlakeP.E.Clubs…
We have the following clubs on offer for the Spring Term: Y1-3…
January 12, 2017/by mlakeCurriculum Information Meetings
Teachers will talk to you about what the children will be learning…
January 6, 2017/by mlakeHappy New Year!
We look forward to seeing all the children back in school on…
January 6, 2017/by mlakeLatest School News
- South Oxhey’s Woodhall Primary School kids are ‘mini police’March 16, 2023 - 11:52 am
- Watford, South Oxhey & Rickmansworth schools celebrate World Book DayMarch 13, 2023 - 9:31 am
- October 2022 Consultations LetterOctober 5, 2022 - 9:38 am
- National Poetry Day CompetitionSeptember 29, 2022 - 1:08 pm
About Us
At Woodhall School we encourage every member of the school to ‘Aim high and Reach for the sky!’. We endeavour to develop skills for life-long learning and provide both creative and meaningful learning opportunities to enable every member of the school community to achieve their potential.
Get in touch
Woodhall Primary School
Woodhall Lane
South Oxhey
WD19 6QX
T: 020 8428 3447
F: 020 8421 4765
Please direct all enquiries in the first instance to:
Fouzia Nemati (School Business Managerr) and/or Nikki Gillibrand (School Office)
Mrs. S. Raithatha